Friday, September 10, 2010

News Media Gone Nuts

The news media in this country have sacrificed real news and reporting to stories of the crackpot of the day. Why else would they be giving so much time to the nutty pastor of a tiny church in Gainesville, Florida, who threatened to burn the Koran? This is major news? Not until they MADE it so. Not until they gave this misguided man a national, nay international, platform and exposure, and helped him create a backlash, which they also glory in reporting.

It's a field day for the ratings-seeking networks, a bonanza of scandalous threats endangering our troops and making America look foolish around the globe.

And Jason Linkins at the Huffington Post agrees.

As Walt Kelly, author of Pogo, wrote, "We Have Met The Enemy and He Is Us."

They need to drop it. Or else investigate the man. Who knows what they might find?

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