Saturday, March 20, 2010

Truth in Advertising

How is it that a purported "news" organization that calls itself "fair and balanced" can get away with spending so much of it's time openly CAMPAIGNING politically? The way I learned it, journalism isn't supposed to be a 24-hour a day campaign for a particular point of view or against a particular party. It's supposed to REPORT, and make an attempt to be unbiased.

There have always been political commentators, but they were open about their partisanship and didn't insist that they were "fair and balanced."

Fox has freedom of speech, but they should be registered as a political organization, not a news channel, and they should be subject of the rules of truth in advertising. "Fair and balanced" should be abolished from their vocabulary. That's rather like a tobacco company advertising it's cigarettes as "air purifying and healthful."

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