Sunday, August 12, 2007

Be Careful What You Wish For

They say be careful what you wish for -- you might get it. I'm finding new ways to understand that saying. For instance, I never thought I would spend hours of my life picking up little white stones and throwing them back into landscaping beds. No, I didn't wish for that, but I did wish for a nice house in a warm climate, and having achieved that, what came along with it was nice landscaping, with little white pebbles in the beds all around the house.

It never occurred to me that they wouldn't stay put! However, two things keep encouraging them to jump the dividers and end up in the grass (or sand, depending upon whether we have succeeded in coaxing any grass to grow in a particular location). Fir most likely cause is my husband dragging around a heavy rubber hose to water with, and dragging it through the beds and pulling the stones off with him. The second is an incredible downpour, the likes of which we had last night.

And that occasioned water high enough to come into the low windows on our sun porch and cause a flood on the carpet, necessitating dismantling two bookshelves and then digging in one such "popcorn bed" to try to make a better channel for said water to escape. And picking up MORE little smooth white pebbles and tossing them back into the beds.

Yes, I like my house. But I had no idea it would mean I'd become a pebble picker.

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